私のブログ (My Blog): July 2011

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Excel beginners will find all the basics needed on how to create effective and professional looking spreadsheets. A beginner’s guide covers essential information and a labeled diagram of the Excel screen, helps you learn what some of this spreadsheet terminology means. Free step by step tutorials and tips help make that first adventure in creating spreadsheets go smoothly.

It’s a rare occasion when a spreadsheet doesn’t need a change of layout before it is finished. When this happens in Excel, with a click of the mouse you can easily add that extra column or delete those unwanted rows.

Ten Common Spreadsheet Terms

Here is a quick list of 10 of the most common Spreadsheet terms. A handy tool for those new to using a spreadsheet program like Excel or Microsoft Works.

Basic Excel 2003 Spreadsheet Tutorial

This tutorial covers creating a basic spreadsheet in Excel 2003. The topics covered include how to enter data, using formulas and functions, and formatting the spreadsheet.

Excel Tutorial Series

Each free Excel tutorial covers either an introductory or intermediate level topic in Microsoft Excel 2003 or 2007. Each tutorial will give you a good understanding of how to use Excel and what you can accomplish with the program.

Parts of the Excel Screen

This labeled picture shows the main parts of a Excel spreadsheet work area. Components include the active cell, name box, column letter, row number, formula bar and sheet tabs.

Entering Data in Excel

Learn how to enter data into an Excel spreadsheet. Topics covered include planning the spreadsheet, cells and cell references, data types, widening columns and editing cells.

Print Gridlines and Headings in Excel

This article shows you how to print gridlines and headings in Excel 2007. A step by step example is included showing you how to print gridlines and headings in Excel.

#REF! - Invalid Cell Reference Errors

Invalid cell reference errors occur when a spreadsheet formula contains incorrect cell references. This article discusses the causes and cures for this common error.

Basic Calculations in Excel Spreadsheets

This series of Excel Tutorials will teach you the fundamentals of using formulas and functions to perform basic calculations in Excel spreadsheets.

Excel Math

These articles cover how to carry out basic math operations Microsoft Excel. If you want to know how to add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers in Excel, these articles will show you how.

Excel Printing

Printing in Excel has a variety of options. These options can be accessed through a number of locations including the print button on the standard toolbar and several options under the file menu.

How to Use Excel's Format Painter

To quickly copy formatting from one cell or group of cells to another part of the spreadsheet use the format painter in Excel. The format painter icon is on the formatting toolbar. It is very useful when extending a spreadsheet to accommodate new data and you need to format the new cells to match the original data area.

Using Excel's AutoFormat Option

Formatting a spreadsheet effectively can make the most important information on the spreadsheet stand out from the rest of the data. To accomplish this you can use one of the 17 AutoFormat styles available in Excel to give your spreadsheets a professional look that makes them easy to read.

Add and Remove Columns and Rows in Excel

It’s a rare occasion when a spreadsheet doesn’t need a change of layout before it is finished. When this happens in Excel, with a click of the mouse you can easily add that extra column or delete those unwanted rows.

Excel Error Message Help

If you get an error message in Excel you might not get much help from the program in finding out the cause. The articles listed here cover the cause and cures for a number of common error messages in Excel, such as #REF!, #NULL!, and #####.

Excel 2007 Spreadsheet Print Options - Part 1

This tutorial on spreadsheet print options covers how to use the print options in Excel to set a print area, print an entire spreadsheet, or print just selected areas.

Excel 2007 Spreadsheet Print Options - Part 2

This tutorial on spreadsheet print options covers how to use the print options in Excel to set a print area, print an entire spreadsheet, or...

Adding Print Options to the Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access Toolbar is used to store shortcuts to frequently used features in Excel. This tutorial shows you how to add the autoformat button to the Quick Access Toolbar.
Sumber : http://spreadsheets.about.com/od/excel101/Excel_101_How_to_Use_Excel_Spreadsheets.htm

Sunday, July 17, 2011


 Salah satu yang saya suka lakukan adalah bermain game walaupun bahaya game membuat ku tenang senang dan waras.
Salah satu game favorite ku adalah
Game Imaginasi MINECRAFT Walaupun minecraft gamenya Pixel tetap itu game seru  
: adalah Game Kreative, Adventure, Survival, Dan Imagination
Tujuan pemain adalah :
1. membuat Rumah karena Saat Malam Banyak monster Yang Akan Memakan mu 
2. Hidup
3. Mengambil kristal dan emas untuk membuat barang bagus 

Tahun Ke 2 Sekolah di SMP Labschool Rawamangun

Saat liburan banyak hari hari yang senang dan hari hari yang buruk, Salah satunya adalah ke Trans Studio Di sana tidak ada limit orang per hari jadi penuhnya minta ampun nunggu permainan makan minimal 2 Jam jangan pun Dunia Lain kalau mau naik permainan itu nunggu 5 jam tidak tersangka.

Salah satu hari sedih yaitu saat nenek saya masuk rumah sakit saat hari libur saya sedang main komputer di kamar saya tiba tiba kakak saya marah marah kalau saya tidak melihat nenek saya yang barusaja terjatuh di lantai setelah terjathuh di lantai beberapa hari kemudia di bawa ke Rumah Sakit Cipto Katanya Mempunyai Kanker Paru Paru stadium 4 saat mendegar itu saya sedih sekali  pada saat 11 Juli 2011 nenek saya Di panggil ooleh Allah SWT atau meninggal banyak yang menangis, Banyak yang mengasih bunga bercita duka lebih dari 50-an dari bada neurologi, Rumah Sakit MMC, Cipto, Abdiwaluyo dan yang lain.
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